Early summer

Well, the weather forecast last week was on the mark. We had a warm, sunny day and did plenty of work! Wood was moved, processed and stacked, apple trees were watered and some bracken removed from around last years saplings.

We should have been holding our AGM this coming week but due to unforeseen circumstances has had to be cancelled. The plan now is to hold the AGM in July, when we will celebrate summer with a curry! 

It means a lot to us that other people enjoy the bounty of the woodland so we’re really pleased that Peak – Art in the Black Mountains (formerly known as Arts Alive) are hoping to come into the woodlands soon for an artists’ work day, and that Llangattock Primary School should be having their annual Eco Club picnic before the summer term ends. Also we’ll be having a stall in CRiC for a summer fayre in July, when we’ll be providing information and selling some of our handcrafted goods.

This week we have a variety of tasks on the workplan, as usual:

  1. Process the remaining logs
  2. Prepare the jetty for repair
  3. Trim the paths with scythe
  4. Charcoal burn & sift – there are lots of customers waiting for charcoal
  5. Continue the shelter construction – all hands needed to get the props up.
  6. Make more plant labels, hedgehog boxes and develop other craft ideas
  7. Someone to put out the LCW sign in the pod on a pole by jetty.
  8. Check out trees from last year and take off plastic covers where appropriate



Environmental Notes:

There’s such a summer feel in the meadow and wood now. Nesting blue tits have been spotted in one of the bird boxes by the canal and we’re looking forward to making more boxes for birds, including owls. The hedgehog huts were a great success last year, several of them were occupied. It might be time to start looking for slow worms too.

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