Summer Events

Llangattock Community Woodlands volunteers will be out and about at local shows over the next few months to promote our volunteering opportunities and sell some of our products to raise some funds for our organisation. Come and visit us at Cwmdu Show on Saturday 13th July, Gilfest on Sunday 21st July and Llangynidr Agricultural Show (still to be confirmed) on Sunday 25th August.

Himalayan Balsam Bashing

Llangattock Community Woodlands is getting involved with the Big Help Out weekend on 7th – 9th June. We are organising a morning of Himalayan Balsam bashing at the T’yr Ash woodland adjacent to Bullpit Meadows in Crickhowell on Sunday 9th June 10am – 1pm.

Himalayan Balsam is an invasive non native plant which dominates an area alongside the river Usk. With lots of hands we can really make an impact so please come along and join us. Please register using the link below so we know how much cake to bring! Please bring water, gardening gloves and wear long sleeves and long trousers as there are a few brambles.

Sign up here

Please feel free to share this post with friends and family who may be interested in helping the local environment.